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PerformanceSumie performance

Sumi-e performance tour 2019 Werkhalle WIesenburg

”Sumi-e / Sound Painting" performance tour 2019 (Germany & Poland)
Sumi-e live painting: Haruka Sasaki / Music: Haruhiko Okabe (Sax, Hichiriki /JP)



18.06 19:30- Völkerkundemuseum Herrnhut / Herrnhut, Germany
19.06 19:00- Macondo / Wrocław, Poland
20.06 19:00- Nowina 5 / Polska, Poland
21.06 20:00- Lubiąż, Poland 
24.06 20:00- Artist Homes / Berlin, Germany
26.06 19:00- Werkhalle Wiesenburg / Berlin, Germany
About "Sumi-e" Project:
A performance project "Sumi-e" in collaboration with free improvised musician Günter Heinz (Trombone, Flute) & Haruhiko Okabe (Saxophone, Hichiriki) and Painter Haruka Sasaki.


Sumi-ink on Hadn-crafted Paper