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Art Fair 2024
My Artworks are representing
May 10. - 24. 2024
ANIMA MUNDI Art Fair 2024
at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello
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ANIMA MUNDI is the invisible energy behind all the natural and artificial elements that allow the planet to live. Thanks to the hidden connections of ANIMA MUNDI, all the ecosystems of the Earth, before and after the appearance of mankind, found their equilibrium, their ways to live and to develop themselves, to transform and to evolve. All the beings of the planet, plants, minerals, and animals are permeated by a secret force that has always stimulated human thought and research.
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Where to go
Associazione Culturale Italo - Tedesca (ACIT), 
Cannaregio 4118, Venice, Italy

May 10. - 24. 2024

Opening hours | Monday- Friday . 09:30 - 17:30

to register for the free entry (select the dates)

Art fair CONSCIOUSNESS of ANIMA MUNDI 2024, which takes place in Venice, at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello from May 10 to May 24, 2024, and in other prestigious venues and historical buildings, during the 60th Venice Biennale of Art.
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‘Kan’ : Acrylic on canvas  ф30cm / 2023     |     Photosynthesis : Mixed media on paper  40×30cm / 2021     |     ©︎Haruka Sasaki